Lechuza negra bruja
Lechuza negra bruja

lechuza negra bruja

Reside en Amrica del Sur, especialmente en Colombia, Brasil, Paraguay y el norte de Argentina. Un nombre menos comn es el de akurutu hu, resultado de la combinacin de akurutu (bho) y hu (negro). What scary experiences have you had with this witch? El strix huhula comnmente es denominado crabo negro, pero en algunos pases de habla hispana es denominado errneamente lechuza negra.

lechuza negra bruja

Las creencias populares en ocasiones pueden estar tan arraigadas en la sociedad que esta misma puede realizar acciones de maltrato animal. So heed your abuela’s advice and don’t step out after midnight if you hear strange whistling or baby cries. Matan a lechuza en Torren por creer que era una bruja. Many have tried and never lived to tell their tale.Īccording to respected mystics and mediums, even the few who survive enough to talk about her tend to pass away in a few days under mysterious circumstances. You should also begin cussing her out upon hearing her call to drive her away. To defend yourself, use salt as she fears it badly. If you see a large owl, a bird many believe to be the origin of this Mexican legend, lock yourself up and don’t come out regardless of how loud the unseen ‘baby’ cries through the night. Therefore, if you notice thunderstorms out of the ordinary, chances are that she’s behind them. De pronto una lechuza negra comenz a seguir al. Haba muy buena luz de Luna por lo que era fcil ir por aquella brecha en medio de aquel gran terreno despoblado. La Lechuza has been known to summon storms. Hace ya mucho tiempo, un ranchero iba cabalgando de noche por una brecha que cruzaba el monte, all en el municipio de Sabinas Hidalgo. In fact, she’s a shapeshifter who can appear as an ordinary witch during the day and then as a huge bird with a woman.

lechuza negra bruja

Nyctibius grandis/R, Great Potoo, Nictibio Grande (Pjaro Estaca, Leona, Bruja). To enact her revenge, she came back as a creepy bird lady. Ciccaba nigrolineata/R, Black-and-white Owl, Lechuza Blanco y Negro. The townsfolk weren’t happy with that so they murdered her.


How to Identify La Lechuza and Protect Yourself Recientemente, un video filmado en la comunidad rural de La Campana, en Durango, Mxico, que fue difundido en Internet, caus una ola de indignacin en las redes sociales, por cuanto mostraba a una lechuza a la cual le fueron quemadas las alas por creer que se trataba presuntamente de una bruja. Legend has it Lechuza was a witch who was exposed for practicing the devil’s magic. Some stories go on to claim that the witch-bird would swoop down at cars traveling down deserted roads at night. This Mexican terror would perch where she can’t be seen and then attract her prey through strange whistles or the sounds of a crying infant.Īnyone who dares to step out of their home to find out the source of the sound would then become her dinner. Real picture of streets and buildings location in Mata Bruja (El Naranjal): with. Regardless of her origins, the aftermath is the same. map of Mata Bruja (El Naranjal) (Mexico / Veracruz-Llave), satellite view. Other tales claim that La Lechuza is the vengeful spirit of a woman, who returned from her grave for the sole purpose of tormenting the living. Some Say She’s Just a Myth But Others Believe DifferentlyĪnother version of the story states that she was once a witch that was murdered by the locals. Some legends state that multiple women act as La Lechuza in their territories, flying through the night to find prey. However, she can be identified by her head, which is that of a hideous old woman. As a result, she can transform into a large bird. However, she can be identified by her head, which is that of a hideous old woman. La Lechuza is an old witch (bruja) who sold her soul to the devil in exchange of magical powers. La Lechuza is an old witch (bruja) who sold her soul to the devil in exchange of magical powers.Īs a result, she can transform into a large bird. Who is La Lechuza Real Bruja or Just a Legend?

  • 4 How to Identify La Lechuza and Protect Yourself.
  • 2 Some Say She’s Just a Myth But Others Believe Differently.
  • 1 Who is La Lechuza Real Bruja or Just a Legend?.
  • Mind you, all of this information is brief and incomplete I will add to as I collect more data so be please be patient. If you see a bird you recognize seeing or are just curious click on a picture to take you to more information on that specific bird andĪbout it. For information about tax deductable bird tours conducted by ARCAS go here The pictures on this page direct you to different birds around Rio Dulce. There are also numerous migratory birds that pass through the area at different times of the year to keep things even more interesting. Of these numbers, 13 of these bird species exist in no other country and ten of these species are threatened of endangerment from extinction. Guatemala has more than 684 species of birds, representing about 80 bird families.

    Lechuza negra bruja